Idea / Concept / Editing:
Ralf Classen
Research / Editing:
Andrea Hösch
Didactic Consultation / Fact-checking:
René Wienands, Martin Klas
Programming / Digital Implementation:
Tim Wittler
We are happy to receive your feedback. Please e-mail any constructive suggestions and comments regarding your experience to quiz@culpeer4change.eu
Quizzes are extremely popular among children, teenagers and adults alike. The combination of putting your knowledge to the test while being challenged and experiencing a fun way of learning is what makes them so fascinating. Quizzes can be done alone, in a group, as a competition, or collectively. Especially well elaborated questions will boost our intelligence and memory with new facts.
Drawing on this playful and complex experience, we at „CulPeer for change“ would like to invite you into the world of Sustainable Development Goals.
As regular citizens, we are called upon to engage actively toward the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their 169 sub-goals. However, the sheer amount of objectives seems incomprehensible to us as individuals. Therefore, we have designed 17 quizzes targeting each Sustainable Development Goal, along with one additional quiz which targets the Sustainable Development Goals in general.
Get involved and be ready to learn interesting, surprising and new facts that will motivate you to take sustainable action.
Each quiz consists of 12 questions and a choice of three answers, with only one correct answer. You will find out whether you got the question right or wrong right after answering each question. Finishing the quiz, you will find annotations to all correct answers as well as further material relating to each question (links, video clips, charts, texts).
You can do a quiz with your family, which might spark lively discussions while answering the questions together. You can also do a quiz by yourself, while on the bus or train. And each time you will be surprised about what you already know about the Sustainable Development Goals and how much new information you have learned along the way.
We will start with Goal 13. More quizzes for the remaining 16 Goals will be uploaded continuously.
We have designed two different levels, specifically targeting school and classroom instruction as well as extra-curricular education. These quizzes are enriched with methodological and didactic notes and additional tips on how to use them in an educational context. A wide variety of complementary material rounds each quiz level off.
Idea / Concept / Editing:
Ralf Classen
Research / Editing:
Andrea Hösch
Didactic Consultation / Fact-checking:
René Wienands, Martin Klas
Programming / Digital Implementation:
Tim Wittler
We are happy to receive your feedback. Please e-mail any constructive suggestions and comments regarding your experience to quiz@culpeer4change.eu