Publication “Colors of Global Voices”


At the end of the project CULPEER4change the brochure “Colors of Global Voices” is published. It presents the creation process of 15 large mural paintings, which were developed in eight partner countries during the 3 years project. For the mural paintings, three artists from Europe, the Global South and the respective country together with local children and young people went through a series of creative workshops.

With this publication we would like to share our insights, experiences and at the same time value the creative process that all participants were undergoing. We believe in the transformative power of art. Art can serve as a rule-breaker and it provides a different access to complex topics. As people are searching for their individual way of expression, they are also searching for a way of action. It is crucial to think of these components as combined. It’s a key factor for social participation and integration.

You can download the brochure here: