Association Tiempos Nuevos Teatro

The access to culture is a fundamental right and an artistic‐creative expression is a necessary stepping stone for the emotional and holistic development of children and teenagers. Furthermore it is also stated in the rights for children. TNT uses the art as a mean for social change for a just society where everyone has the same rights and for recognition of diversity and respect of the fundamental rights for all people.
The “Asociación Tiempos Nuevos Teatro” (TNT) was founded in 1993, one year after the end of the armed conflict in El Salvador, which had begun in 1980. The first members were people who were closely related to the “Educación Popular” and who accompanied the return of the population of local communities of the rural region of Chalatenango.
An important aim of the organisation since the beginning was to offer the youth artistic and playful proposals and life plans, because the missing opportunities for education favours the high grade of violence risk and the formation of gangs between teenagers. The teenagers should be reached with theatre, dance and music workshops and other cultural activities like the presentation of films and the reading promotion in the community library. The aim of the artistic approaches is to bring important topics to young people, like environmental destruction, gender equality, identity, prevention of violence, migration etc. All this promotes values like solidarity, friendship, respect and cohesion.

“The great journey of the cipotada and the chucho” is the story of a group of boys, girls and young people who were chosen to carry the flag of their country to a distant place as a symbol that represents the people of the country.
On their way two unexpected events prevent the fulfilment of their task. Just when they are at the point to give up they find out that there is something moreimportant than to carry a flag into another country. They themselves have the stories that could represent their country and its people all around the world.
The production with music, theatre and dance aims to present to the audience a small part of what constitutes the people of El Salvador.