Rivers of Meeting

Rivers of Meeting (RoM) is located in the river’s community Cabelo Seco, at the interface between the rivers Itacaiúnas, Tocantins and Araguaia. The region is severely threatened by iron mining, hydroelectric power stations and the agribusiness. For RoM the conservation of the rivers, forests and the biodiversity is strongly related to the conservation and reinvention of the afro‐indigenous culture in Cabelo Seco. The work of the project is supported by municipal administration and the administration of the city Marabá in an integrated project “bem viver” (good life).

Colectivo “Afro Raiz”
The collectiv “AfroRaiz” are young people that started as endangered children in the project without knowing where Africa was or what Amazonia is. Today they are artists, workshop leaders and cultural managers that are recognized in the community, city and region. The group wants to secure and to protect sanitary, economic, cultural and ecological care. For this they use a lot of different methods to exceed existing borders and to fulfil the potential of humankind. They offer workshops to music, dance, arts, theatre, literature, cooking, video and film production.

Through the integration of all arts the teenagers “use” their creativity and their knowledge to inspire other communities of the region to see the environment and themselves as a key to a sustainable future in the purpose of good life for all. The young artists develop performances and organise workshops to keep memories and stories of the region alive and to de‐colonise the fantasy.

The minister of education of Marabá has accepted that the eco‐education and cultural action of the community for teacher training and formal education are essential. Schools should become a “transformation room” in which the students can be educated culturally, learn democratic self‐administration and intercultural negotiation skills. Meanwhile 210 schools in the region are on the way to become “SDG schools” so to integrate and to realize the Sustainable Development Goals in the school.

RIVERS IN THE SKY - A festival of good life in the Amazon region.

Can dancing, percussion dragons preserve the biggest technology in the world from perdiction? This new dancepercussion‐performance is based on 10 years of cultural activities of the young afro‐indigenous artists from the community Cabelo Seco in the Amazon region. The performance wants to dramatize the lifeline between lively memories about colonisation and slavery and the planes for life of the people today, with whose we are confronted in the world.

In all plays of AfroRaiz important and actual questions will be examined through a celebration of beauty and resilience of the Amazon and the strength of young people to create communities of hope. Seven powerful scenes end with a 15‐Minute‐Workshop and a dynamic public discussion under the direction of the young artists.